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Overwatch 2 - Why Bastion Was Removed & When Will The Hero Return?

We explain why Bastion was removed from Overwatch 2 and discuss when the hero could return.
Overwatch 2 - Why Bastion Was Removed & When Will The Hero Return?

Bastion is one of the original veteran heroes from the first Overwatch title but has been removed from the sequel, Overwatch 2. The developers say this is due to some bugs in his ability kit, but fans eagerly want to know when he will be returning.

In this article, we will go over the details regarding Bastion being removed and when you can expect his return to the ever-popular hero shooter Overwatch 2. 

Update: As of 25th October 2022, Bastion Torbjörn has returned to Overwatch 2 alongside Torbjörn. 

The original article follows.

Why was Bastion Removed From Overwatch 2? 

Bastion, a "damage role" hero has been removed from Overwatch 2 for bug fixes to his ability kit, according to a tweet from the developers at Blizzard Entertainment. Unfortunately, Bastion's return to the game has not yet been officially confirmed at the time of writing, and no specific time frame has been given. 

Overwatch 2 Why was Bastion Removed and When will Bastion be back removed due to bugs to his ultimate
According to the developers, Bastion was removed due to bugs in his ability kit. (Picture: Blizzard Entertainment)

Bastion was removed from Overwatch 2 in the first place, similarly to Torbjörn's removal, due to a game-breaking bug in his ultimate 'Artillery' ability. Usually, Bastion's ultimate should have three ammo slots, but thanks to the strange in-game bug, he unloads with an infinite amount of ammo. He could turn enemies into swiss cheese (Emmental, to be more specific) with no issues. 

The developers quickly noticed this bug and promptly removed the Bastion from both Quick Play and Competitive Play to avoid any more complaints from players who noticed the bug after being on the receiving end of his ultimate.

When will Bastion be back in Overwatch 2?

Some speculate that the Hero will return with the Season Two update on December 8, which is expected to balance out many Tank and Damage Heroes like Sigma, Junker Queen, Symmetra, Doomfist, and others. Meanwhile, others speculate that Bastion will return in November, alongside the mid-season update, which reportedly includes balance changes for D.Va, Genji, Zarya, and Sombra.

Some speculate that because some fans saw Bastion as a "cheap" character who ruined the game's competitive play, Blizzard is planning to remove Bastion from the game, and this "bug fix" removal is a test to see how fans react to their absence. For now, however, all these speculations should be taken with a grain of salt until we have official confirmation from Blizzard when Bastion returns. 

Overwatch 2 Why was Bastion Removed and When will Bastion be back we don't know when hell return but we hope soon
While we don't know when Bastion will return, we hope it is soon, as many players miss playing this hero. (Picture: Blizzard Entertainment)

Ultimately though, Bastion is missed by the community as a Hero from the sought-after damage-role heroes, and many fans are eagerly awaiting the character's return. So right now, we'll just have to wait and see how long it takes for Blizzard to fix Bastion's issues and get our adorable and deadly robot back in action. 

For more on the game, check our section dedicated to Overwatch 2 news, guides, features, and more.


Featured image courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment.