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Modern Warfare 2 Season 5 Battle Buddy Explained

Here is everything you need to know about the new Battle Buddies coming to Call of Duty Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2.
Modern Warfare 2 Season 5 Battle Buddy Explained

Throughout the years, Call of Duty has transformed in many ways. Before, it used to be whatever the game originally came with is what you got. These days, there are seasonal changes that players can expect to roll out across the year. Season 5 is kicking off in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 and there is a lot arriving across both titles.

In Season 5, one of the main key aspects players will want to focus their time on are obtaining and leveling the new guns. But a new never-before-seen feature has arrived. We'll go over everything you need to know about the new Battle Buddies.

What Are Battle Buddies In Warzone 2 And Modern Warfare 2?

Call of Duty Battle Buddy
Battle Buddies are a new virtual assistant coming to Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2. (Picture: Activision)

Throughout the years, Call of Duty has added more and more cosmetics to its games. From Operators to weapon skins, there are plenty of ways to personalize your experience. Now, there's a new cosmetic  to pick up called the Battle Buddy. The Battle Buddy is essentially a virtual assistant that goes into battles with you.

If you are performing well, the Battle Buddy will talk to you and call out Killstreak activations, kills, and even when you use specific weapons. From what we can tell, the Battle Buddy will remain silent if you are not performing well. So the Battle Buddy does not give you a tactical advantage against your opponents without one.

How To Get The Battle Buddy In Warzone 2

Battle Buddy Call of Duty
Battle Buddies will not give you a tactical advantage in Call of Duty. (Picture: Activision)

So far there is only one way it looks like how you can get the Battle Buddy in Warzone 2. You will need to unlock or purchase the Aurthur pack through the Battle Pass. The Battle Buddy is named Gwen and from what we can tell, you can equip it to anybody so long as you have it unlocked.

For now, Gwen is the only Battle Buddy that is available in Warzone 2. But it likely won't be that way forever. Activision said that Gwen is the first to come which means that there are going to be more Battle Buddies arriving in the future. So it looks like there is a lot more to look forward to in the upcoming days of Warzone 2.

For more on Call of Duty: Warzone 2, check out be sure to check out our dedicated section and learn more with some of our Warzone 2 Guides & Tutorials below:

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