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How To Unlock The Carrack.300 In MW2 & Warzone Season 5

Here’s everything you need to know to about getting your hands on the brand new Carrack .300 sniper rifle in MW2 and Warzone 2.
How To Unlock The Carrack.300 In MW2 & Warzone Season 5
Image via Activision

Call of Duty fans are eager to jump into every aspect of Season 5 for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2. This latest update brings a plethora of content and features to these shooter games. One anticipated addition is the Carrack.300, a brand sniper rifle that promises to revolutionize long-range combat.

As with other weapons, you must unlock the Carrack.300 first to start using it in your Call of Duty matches. With that said, here's all you need to know about unlocking the Carrack.300 In MW2 & Warzone Season 5.

How To Get Carrack .300 Sniper in Warzone 2 & MW2 Season 5

Carrack .300 is a semi-auto bullpup sniper rifle that features an exceptionally high fire rate
Carrack .300 is a semi-auto bullpup sniper rifle that features an exceptionally high fire rate. (Picture: Activision)

If you want to get your hands on the Carrack .300, you’ll need to unlock it through the Season 5 Battle Pass of MW2 and Warzone 2. The good news is that you can obtain this weapon for free without using any COD Points or real money. The only catch is that the specific Sector where it can be unlocked hasn’t been revealed yet, so you’ll have to wait until the update goes live.

Based on previous seasons, it’s likely that the Carrack .300 will be the sought-after item in its respective Sector within the Battle Pass. This means you’ll need to complete all four unlocks within that Sector before gaining access to the weapon. Additionally, acquiring a Battle Token will be necessary, which can be earned by leveling up your Battle Pass or purchasing them with COD Points.

Once you’ve unlocked the Carrack .300, you’ll have the opportunity to customize it with attachments and camos according to your playstyle and preferences. We are expecting the Carrack .300 to be a lethal weapon that can rival popular snipers like the HDR, AX-50, or Rytec AMR.

Why You Should Unlock The Carrack .300 Sniper

The Carrack .300 stands out as the only bullpup sniper rifle in MW2 and Warzone 2, featuring a magazine positioned behind the trigger. This unique design allows for a maneuverable weapon, resulting in improved handling and stability.

Moreover, the Carrack .300 boasts semi-automatic capabilities, enabling it to fire multiple shots consecutively without requiring reloads or rechambering. These advantages give it an edge over bolt-action snipers, that demand time and precision between each shot.

Not only does the Carrack .300 excel in terms of speed, but it also packs a punch when it comes to power. Activision claims that this weapon can swiftly eliminate enemies with one shot to either their head or upper chest area during long-distance engagements, making it exceptionally lethal.

However, its effectiveness against fully armored opponents in Warzone 2 remains uncertain, since some snipers may require multiple shots to neutralize them effectively.

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