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Insomniac Shows Off Venom, Discusses The Spider-Man Sequel

Knock knock, let the Devil in. Insomniac has discussed their interpretation of the Symbiote.
Insomniac Shows Off Venom, Discusses The Spider-Man Sequel

Eminem won't be the only person singing about this alien soon. As SDCC kicks off, Insomniac is revealing more and more details about what you can expect to see from the upcoming Marvel's Spider-Man 2

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, senior art director Jacinda Chew offered an interesting insight into the creative process, stating:

"It's really interesting when you start thinking about what makes him different than Spider-Man. The symbiote is often known as an allegory for the darkness that the host is fighting against. So what makes him an anti-Spider-Man?"

Senior Creative Director Bryan Intihar followed this up by saying:

"We wanted to try something very different, and I don't think you can get much more different from Doc Ock than you do Venom. It's about power, it's about strength, it's about being slighted, it's about Peter being involved much more in the creation of Venom. I think that's what attracted us."

"For us, Venom is the host plus the symbiote. You don't get Venom without both of them being bonded together. What Tony [Todd, the voice actor for Venom in Marvel's Spider-Man 2] represents is that bond. I think, if anything, casting Tony made us feel more confident in the visual design of the character."

A more in-depth look at the upcoming game can be expected today during an SDCC panel in which many are anticipating more gameplay details and a potential new trailer.