Diablo 4
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Diablo 4 Item Quality (Rarity): Unique, Legendary, Rare & More

Learn about the Item Rarity in Diablo 4, including Unique, Legendary, and more, so you know exactly what type of loot you can find in Sanctuary.
Diablo 4 Item Quality (Rarity): Unique, Legendary, Rare & More

Wondering what item quality/rarity types will be available as part of Diablo 4's massive loot pool? Then we've got you covered! This article explains all the Diablo 4 item quality types that players will be able to discover as they venture into Sanctuary.

We also discuss how the Diablo 4 item Rarity differs from each other, an important point on baseline stats for Magic items and above, alongside the number of Affixes that can roll for each item quality type.

Update on 17 July 2023: We've updated this article to reflect the latest information about all the Diablo 4 item quality/rarities. 

Diablo 4 also also has Sacred and Ancestral variants of all item qualities.

All Diablo 4 Item Quality/Rarity Types Explained

Diablo 4 item rarity quality unique common magic rare legendary upgrade powers aspects affixes
Diablo 4 players can slay the hordes of the Burning Hells to get all sorts of item types. (Picture: Blizzard)

There are a total of five item quality/rarity levels in Diablo 4 at launch. This includes Common, Magic, Rare, Legendary, and Unique. Yes, Unique items are making a return, and no, we didn't forget anything. Set items won't be making it into the launch of Diablo 4.

With that bombshell out of the way, we explain every type of item/loot quality in Diablo 4 and the number of possible Affixes that can roll on them.

Diablo 4 Common Items

These are white items in Diablo 4 and are the lowest rarity type in the game. Common items have no affixes and are generally just used as a means to get more materials via Salvaging, except for right at the start of the game, when some item slots might still be empty.

Diablo 4 Magic Items

Diablo 4 item rarity quality unique common magic rare legendary upgrade powers aspects affixes
Note how Magic items have the same base stats, in this case damage, compared to Rare or Legendary quality. (Picture: Blizzard)

Magic items in Diablo 4, also known as "blues," feature one affix. The nice thing about Magic items in Diablo 4, especially weapons, is that their baseline stats, such as weapon damage, could be the same as that of Rare items or even Legendary items. Therefore, we expect Magic items to sometimes be worthwhile upgrades, with players even replacing lower-level Rare items or Legendaries as they level up.

Diablo 4 Rare Items

Now we are getting to the good stuff. Rare items in Diablo 4 will feature three to five random Affixes and some great base stats to boot. Furthermore, Rare items can be upgraded to Legendaries in Diablo 4 by adding a Legendary Aspect to the item via the Codex of Power.

This system allows you to use Rare items (in any slot) and add a Legendary Aspect, no matter which slot you choose. For example, if you've found a Legendary Aspect on Pants, you can add that Aspect to a Rare item on a Helm to turn it into a Legendary.

Diablo 4 Legendary Items

Ah, Legendaries! That's the type of drop every Diablo 4 player will want to see, as these pieces of loot are some of the rarest in the game. They are bound to your account and cannot be traded. Diablo 4's Legendary items feature four Affixes and comes with a Legendary Aspect, which can be changed via the Codex of Power. Legendary items can be upgraded five (5) times in Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 Unique Items

Diablo 4 item rarity quality unique common magic rare legendary upgrade powers aspects affixes
Don't expect to get more than a few Unique item drops in Diablo 4 each season. (Picture: Blizzard)

Unique items are making a return in Diablo 4! These items are the rarest of the rare, and you will be hard-pressed to find more than a handful during an entire season (around three months). They come with unique powers, a distinctive look, and completely fixed affixes that players cannot change.

Diablo 4's Unique items, as expected, are not tradeable at all, so you will have to find them yourself. Lastly, players can only equip one Unique item at a time, and we suspect a lot of top-tier builds will be based on these items.

There have been some whispers of a "Mythic" quality item in Diablo 4, which features four Legendary Powers. However, it appears that Mythic items won't make it into the game's loot pool at launch.

So there you have it, all the different types of item quality or rarity you can find in Diablo 4. We will endeavor to update this article if anything changes with regard to the Diablo 4 loot system, so stay tuned.


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Diablo 4 PvP - Coming soon!

Our section keeps growing, so check for new guides daily! Don't forget to pick up one of the Diablo 4 Editions and join the fight to save Sanctuary soon.