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Destiny 2 Lightfall: Five Changes Bungie Should Make To The Game

Destiny 2 Lightfall is on the horizon, and here are a few changes Bungie should make to its long-running looter shooter.
Destiny 2 Lightfall: Five Changes Bungie Should Make To The Game

With Lightfall expansion, Bungie is making a ton of changes to its highly popular looter-shooter Destiny 2. For example, it's adding a loadout system and overhauling mod customization, which should make Buildcrafting simpler.

While the nuances are praiseworthy and no doubt necessary changes that fans have been requesting for a while, there are still plenty of things that need to be improved in Destiny 2 starting Lightfall. As such, I have curated a list of the top five things that I believe Bungie must fix in Destiny 2 Lightfall

Improved Exotic Drop Rates in Legend / Master Lost Sector

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The drop rate of exotics in legend or master lost sectors solo are terrible. (Picture: Bungie / Shreyansh)

One of the best ways to farm exotic armor pieces in Destiny 2 is by running Lost Sectors solo at Legend or Master difficulty. It's a pretty neat way to farm specific armor pieces, and since they rotate daily, players have the incentive to log in every day and farm the exotics they are currently missing or want for a particular build.

The catch? Well, the drop rates of exotics in Legend and Master Lost Sector are shamelessly low. At Legend difficulty, the chances of getting an exotic gear are 25%, whereas, at Master difficulty, it's only 33%.
Players have reported not getting a single exotic drop even after seven or eight runs. I, for once, tried the lost sector solo at legend difficulty the other day four times and got nothing. 

Bungie needs to learn to respect players' time in Destiny 2, especially since it's primarily a premium experience. Not everyone has the time nor patience to run lost sectors at legend or master difficulty ten times a day to farm a single piece of gear. It's a different thing if someone's farming for better stats rolls. But not getting a single exotic drop (better or worse) after multiple runs in a day is humiliating. This absolutely needs to be fixed in Lightfall.

Endgame matchmaking in Destiny 2 (At least Nightfall)

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Fans would appreciate the addition of matchmaking in some of the end-game activities. (Picture: Bungie / Shreyansh)

Look, I get it. It's obvious why Raids and Dungeons don't have matchmaking in Destiny 2, but Nightfall Legend? C'mon! Unlike the former, the latter doesn't require as much verbal communication as Bungie thinks it does.

Furthermore, with Match Game no longer being present in end-game activities starting Lightfall, it makes all the more sense to bring matchmaking to some of those activities. The only real deal breaker would be if no one came prepared to face the Champion enemies. But Bungie is also converting Anti-Champion mods into Anti-Champion perks in Lightfall, so that problem's pretty much solved as well, eh? 

Oh, and since we are already here, let me just go out on a limb and add that exotic quests like Vox Obscura should also get matchmaking. I don't see any reason not to since the only real issue here as well is the Champion enemies. 

Add story recap or character logbook

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Bungie needs to do a better job of introducing old characters to new players. (Picture: Bungie)

Destiny 2 is a difficult game to get into, story and gameplay-wise. While Bungie at least tries to explain how the core gameplay loop works, it does a terrible job of explaining the sheer importance of long-lost characters who return for seasonal storylines after years.

 For someone who started playing Destiny 2 in year 4 or 5, it makes zero sense to care about an old crow named Osiris. It's a shame because Destiny 2's seasonal writing has improved significantly since Season of the Haunted, and a lot of these intense narrative beats don't hit as hard as Bungie expects for someone who hasn't been playing the game since day 1. 

Sure we have the timeline section that briefly touches on the history of Destiny 2 and the lore book section that delves deeper into some of the character developments that happen in seasonal and campaign storylines.

However, a proper cinematic recap, at least annually, would do justice not just for new players who have no idea about the game's narrative but also give veteran players a nostalgic nudge as to how far they have come. 

Alternatively, a character book or compendium detailing the history of notable characters in Destiny 2 would be a welcome addition. It would allow new players to familiarize themselves with the past of the characters that make their reappearances in Destiny 2's seasonal or campaign storylines. 

More Inventory Space 

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The current inventory space in Destiny 2 is surprisingly inadequate. (Picture: Bungie / Shreyansh(

Okay, alright, who thought it was a good idea to have just nine slots for each weapon and armor type? For a game that's fundamentally about acquiring and organizing new loot, Destiny 2 offers embarrassingly inadequate inventory space.

It's so bad I actually have to run to my vault to clear things up after every two to three activities. Bungie is so oblivious to this issue that some players are even ready to pay real money to get more space.

Sadly, as of this writing, Bungie has not teased its intention to increase inventory space in Destiny 2 Lightfall, but one can still hope. Oh, and since we are it, an increase in Post Box space is not something anyone would mind as well.

Add more free-to-play content

destiny 2 free to play activities
More meaningful free-to-play activities should give free players more incentive to purchase content. (Picture: Bungie)

Destiny 2 is a free-to-play game but not exactly a free-to-play game like Fortnite, Genshin Impact, and Warframe. Let's just say it's more free-to-try.

Players can play through ritual playlist activities like Strikes, Crucible, and Gambit, explore different planets and finish public events and lost sectors, progress the free battle pass, and more. All these activities are enough to give players an idea of what kind of an experience Destiny 2 is, but they are probably not enough to give them the incentive to become a paid player.

There are restrictions pretty much everywhere, be it seasonal activities or limited-time events. Sure, a free-to-player could run Legendary Lost Sector and bag those sweet exotics, but would they have the power requirements and the gear to complete it? More importantly, would they have the incentive to pursue these loots?

Telling new players that endless grinds are the core experience of Destiny 2 isn't the best way to sell this game. Perhaps, a better alternative would be to give free-to-players access to old story campaigns and past seasonal activities to give them a better idea of what this game has to offer. 
Oh, and if they like what they play, perhaps they would have more incentive and purpose to grind for better gear and resources later on. 

These are just some of the issues I believe Bungie should fix in the game's upcoming expansion.

Destiny 2 Lightfall launches on 28th February 2023 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. 

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