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Who Is Lorath Nahr In Diablo 4

As one of the remaining members of the Horadrim, Lorath Narh will guide players to Sanctuary as we learn of his backstory for in Diablo 4.
Who Is Lorath Nahr In Diablo 4

With Lilith making her return to Sanctuary and the Archangel, Inarius reappearing, Sanctuary and Hell will no longer be safe for anyone, mortal or demigod. If it's a refuge that you seek, players can likely find themselves in the companionship of Lorath Nahr, a member of The Brotherhood of Horadrim.

Lorath will be one of a few characters returning in Diablo 4, as the character is reportedly stepping into the role left behind by Deckard Cain. Once again, we dusted off our history books to compile this guide on who Lorath Nahr is and what role he'll play in Diablo 4.

Diablo 4: Lorath Nahr's Origin Story Explained

Lorath Nahr's in-game lore begins in the Diablo 3 expansion, The Reaper of Souls, which added Act V, continuing your character's adventures in Westmarch. Lorath appears as an NPC for whom The Fall of Westmarch quest begins afterward.

He served as your character's Follower for the remainder of the game and narrated various Journal entries in-game. Lorarth was revealed to have been present during the Horadrim's attempt to recover the Black Soulstone; however, they were thwarted by Malthael as he killed many of Lorath's compatriots.

Instructed by Tyrael, who held off Mathael's attacks, he fled in pursuit of the Nephalem, but he would later encounter Malthael's armies in Westmarch and survive their attacks. He would eventually find the Nephalem; however, they would reject wanting to meet with Tyrael instead, proposing to rescue as many people of Westmarch as possible.

As the Naphelem dealt with Malthael's armies, he guided the people of Westmarch to Survivors' Enclave before accompanying the Nephalem to locate a witch. While they eventually killed her, Lorath learned of Malthael's location, for which he shared the information with Tyrael.

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Players will meet up with Lorath Nahr in Diablo 4, as he'll assist your character along your journey. (Picture: Blizzard)

Eventually, it led Tyrael to find Malthael, but Lorath continued to help his people by returning to Westmarch. He would appear in the expansion's Adventure Mode as he takes up residence in Westmarch along with the Fallen Angel, Tyrael, as players can see him often engaging in conversations.

This sees Lorath take a particular interest in Tyrael's struggles, who, at this point in the game's narrative, is still coming to terms with him being a mortal. Additionally, you can exchange equipment for Blood Shards with Lorath and will also sell Greater Horadric Caches.

Nevertheless, Lorath is a Horadrim, an order of mages Tyrael assembled to safeguard Sanctuary from evil, especially defeating the Prime Evils, Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal. Unfortunately, members of this Order were banished and have seen multiple declines before their resurrection by Tyrael after he sought out Deckard Cain's Journals, which led him to the First Ones.

Before meeting Lorath in the expansion, his formative years in Westmarch saw him serve as a City Guard, making him a pretty capable fighter due to his varied combat abilities. In part to his service with the Westmarch City Guard, he has been involved in multiple invasions and has documented every one, giving great details on the experiences.

diablo 4 lore guides lorath nahr who is he mentor companion
Lorath Nahr will appear in Diablo 4, this time taking over from Deckard Cain as your character's mentor. (Picture: Twitter / Diablo)

Like Deckard, he, too, has some knowledge of magic, and quite similarly, only a little is known about what he can cast or perform. Being a member of the Horadrim, the Order, and Lorath will take up a more prominent role in Diablo 4 as one of the main characters.

As an ally to your character, he will narrate the game's story and likely serve you as a mentor, akin to Deckard Cain, before his untimely demise. Little is known about the relationship between your character and Lorath; however, he is well-regarded as a loyal follower who remained steadfast in his beliefs.

Ahead of the global launch of Diablo 4, developer Blizzard launched an animated series, Book of Lorath, which documents pivotal moments in-game. More specifically, these videos cover the formation of Sanctuary, Lilith and Inarius' relationship, and the Lord of Terror, Diablo, which forms the basis of the game's world-building.


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