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All Modern Warfare 2 & Warzone 2 Killstreaks Explained

Here's a quick rundown of all the Modern Warfare 2 & Warzone 2 Killstreaks, along with instructions to activate them.
All Modern Warfare 2 & Warzone 2 Killstreaks Explained

Like the previous iterations of COD, killstreaks will also play an essential role in Modern Warfare 2. If you weren't aware, killstreak is a special mechanic of Call of Duty games that provides additional benefits when a player gets three or more kills in a row without dying.

According to the most recent announcement by Activision, Modern Warfare 2 is going to be packed with a ton of Killstreaks. However, you can only equip three of them to use in your matches. With that being said, here's a detailed breakdown of all the Modern Warfare 2 & Warzone 2 Killstreaks to help you figure out the best ones.

Modern Warfare 2 Killstreaks List

All killstreaks & scorestreaks in Modern Warfare 2
All killstreaks & scorestreaks in Modern Warfare 2. (Picture: Activision)

Modern Warfare 2 Remastered comes with a total of 19 killstreaks, and here's a quick rundown of the same:

Killstreak Description Kills / Score
UAV UAV recon ship that reveals enemy locations on the minimap. 4 / 500
Bomb Drone A remote-controlled drone with an attached C4 charge. 4 / 500
Counter-UAV A drone that scrambles all enemy minimaps. Has a limited range for larger maps. 5 / 625
Care Package Call in a random killstreak care package to your location. 5 / 625
Cluster Mine Throw a device that launches a cluster of smaller mines within the immediate area. 5 / 625
Precision Airstrike Call in twin jets for a precision strike on a designated target area. 6 / 750
Cruise Missile  Control a long-range cruise missile with boost capabilities. 6 / 750
Mortar Strike Signal several waves of mortars to attack a location. 6 / 750
SAE Call in a trio of jets to release aerial explosives onto specified targets. 7 / 875
Sentry Gun Automated turret that scans for nearby enemies, and fires incendiary based rounds. 7 / 875
VTOL Jet Releases a pair of precision bombs before circling back and guarding a location of the player’s choice. 8 / 1000
Overwatch Helo An escort helo that will watch over your position, and ping nearby enemy locations before engaging them. 8 / 1000
Wheelson-HS Remote controlled amphibious vehicle, with auto sentry capabilities. 8 / 1000
Stealth Bomber Call in a bomber that releases a large line of explosives along its path. 10 / 1250
Chopper Gunner Control an assault chopper armed with a turret and air-to-land missiles. 10 / 1250
Emergency Airdrop Call in 3 random killstreak care packages to your location. 10 / 1250
Gunship A heavy assault gunship equipped with a laser tracking missile, along with the standard 40mm and 25mm cannons. 12 / 1500
Advanced UAV An untargetable orbital UAV that reveals the enemy’s direction on the minimap in real time. 12 / 1500
Juggernaut Juggernaut assault gear delivered by care package. The minigun will drop when the Juggernaut dies. 15 / 1875

Warzone 2 Killstreaks List

All killstreaks in Warzone 2
All killstreaks in Warzone 2. (Picture: Activision)

Unfortunately, the developers have not revealed the Warzone 2 Killstreaks list yet. However, we'll make sure to update this section once we have any official intel.

Unlike Modern Warfare 2, Warzone 2 players can't get these Killstreaks by scoring kills. Instead, they need to buy them from the Buy Stations, scattered across different locations on the map.

For more Call of Duty news, be sure to check out our dedicated section or some of our MW2 Guides & Tutorials below:

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Featured image courtesy of Activision.

For more Call of Duty news, be sure to check out our dedicated section or some of our MW2 Guides & Tutorials below:

Modern Warfare 2 Guides - Jack Links Skin Unlock All Operators Check Server Status Get Twitch Drops Post-Credit Scene Explained Unlock Gold Camo Get Burger Town Operator MGB Nuke Unlock Every Weapon All KillstreaksSafe Code Locations | Check KD Ratio | XP Farm Trick | Chopper Gun Glitch | Weapon Tuning | Change Name Color | Hardcore Tier 1 Mode Turn Off Crossplay | Steam Deck | Raid: Atomgrad | How To Play "Support A Team" | Unlock Orion Camo | Aim Assist Settings

Modern Warfare 2 Fixes & Issues- Best NVIDIA GeForce Drivers Dev Error 6036 MW2 Missing Items Unlimited Tactical Sprint Bug Stuck On Installing Bug Display Name Not Allowed Bug | Gold Camo Not Unlocking | Voice Chat Not Working| Display FPS Counter

Best Modern Warfare 2 Loadouts -  Best Weapon Tier List | M4 Loadout PDSW 528 Loadout | TAQ-V Loadout | M4 Loadout | Fennec 45 | No Recoil M4 Loadout | SA-B 50 Loadout | Kastov-74U Loadout