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Diablo 4 Tur Dulra Stronghold: How To Clear, Location & Rewards

A step-by-step guide to completing Diablo 4's Tur Dulra Stronghold in Scosglen, from its location to killing the boss, finding the Druid Spirits, and rewards.
Diablo 4 Tur Dulra Stronghold: How To Clear, Location & Rewards

Are you looking to easily complete the Tur Dulra Stronghold in Diablo 4's Scosglen region? Then you've come to the right place, as we ran through it during our review period, collecting all the important details so you can easily reap those rewards.

This guide outlines everything Diablo 4 players need to know about the Tur Dulra Stronghold, from its exact location in Scosglen, to how you can find those missing Druid Spirits, beat the final boss, and the rewards you will receive upon completion.

Update on 14 June 2023: We've updated this Tur Dulra Diablo 4 Stronghold guide with launch details!

Diablo 4 Tur Dulra Stronghold Location in Scosglen

Tur Dulra Stronghold guide complete clear scosglen rewards baelgemoth boss beat defeat druid spirit locations
The exact location of the Tur Dulra Stronghold in Diablo 4. Use the path to the left that we've marked with a green star. (Picture: Blizzard)

Tur Dulra is located in the Western part of Scosglen, and you will likely come across it during Diablo 4's Act II, but it is not directly related to the story. The map above showcases its exact location and, importantly, a green marker (left) showing where you can enter Tur Dulra, as the main bridge is blocked, which we found out the hard way.

Druid Spirit Locations in Diablo 4's Tur Dulra

Tur Dulra Stronghold guide complete clear scosglen rewards baelgemoth boss beat defeat druid spirit locations
At the center of Tul Dulra, you will find a burning tree. (Picture: Blizzard)

Once inside Tur Dulra, we explored the area and killed off enemies until we reached the center. Here, we spoke to Druid Spirits at a huge, burning tree.

Once this sequence came to an end, we had to find and free Druid Spirits in the Tur Dulra Stronghold. To make things easy on you, the image below showcases the Druid Spirit locations in this Diablo 4 Stronghold.

Tur Dulra Stronghold guide complete clear scosglen rewards baelgemoth boss beat defeat druid spirit locations
The Druid Spirit locations, with the one we've already completed marked with a red star. (Picture: Blizzard)

You will have to defeat these elite mobs and put the Druid Spirits to rest. They are all scaled to two levels above your character and feature a diverse lineup of attacks you must avoid.

None of these Druid Spirits in Tul Dulra posed much more of a challenge than a standard pack of Elite mobs. However, Baelgemoth, Tur Dulra's demon boss, did pose quite a challenge.

How To Beat Baelgemoth Demon Boss in Tur Dulra

Once you've found all the Druid Spirits, head back to the burning tree in the center of the Tur Dulra Stronghold. Watch the story of this location unfold, and get ready to face the boss, Baelgemoth, Infernal Tormentor.

Tur Dulra Stronghold guide complete clear scosglen rewards baelgemoth boss beat defeat druid spirit locations
Baelgemoth, the Infernal Tormentor, has a tonne of HP, so be sure to add the vulnerable effect to burn it down. (Picture: Blizzard)

The trick to slaying Baelgemoth is staying away from its big attacks, which are telegraphed well, giving you time to dodge out of the way. We recommend not trying to fill this boss' stagger bar, as it is quite difficult. Instead, focus on taking down enemy spawns first, and use any attacks that add the Vulnerable debuff on Baelgemoth.

The fight can take over three minutes to complete, so make sure to manage your healing potions effectively, picking up health globes when the boss drops them. Further, if you are struggling, you can always invite some friends to your party, as Diablo 4 Strongholds are instanced content. Lastly, if you keep dying to Baelgemoth, it might be worth considering crafting some Elixirs, either one that adds fire resistance or one that adds armor to your character.

Diablo 4 Tur Dulra Stronghold Rewards

The main reward for completing the Tur Dulra Stronghold, for most players, is that sweet 100 Renown for the region it is located in. In this case, you get 100 Renown with Scosglen. Further, a Waypoint gets unlocked, meaning you get an additional 20 Renown.

The items you get from killing the boss and other enemies in Tur Dulra are completely random. We received one Legendary staff, Gold, and a mixture of lesser quality items in our first clear, alongside a large helping of XP based on our level. Remember, Strongholds drop items with power around two levels more than your character, as all enemies within are, for example, level 53 if you are level 51.

If you missed it, check out Diablo 4's gameplay launch trailer below.

So that's everything you need to know to clear Diablo 4's Tur Dulra Stronghold, from a boss fight guide to the precise location in Scosglen, rewards, and the locations of those pesky Druid Spirits if you get stuck. If anything changes, we will endeavor to update this article.


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