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COD Mobile LMG Tier List - Best Season 7 Light Machine Guns

Call of Duty Mobile has plenty of LMGs to choose from. Here's our light machine gun tier list, ranking all weapons from best to worst.
COD Mobile LMG Tier List - Best Season 7 Light Machine Guns

When it comes to close-mid-range combats, LMGs are one of the most effective weapons in Call of Duty: Mobile. LMGs are crafted explicitly for sustained fire, boasting high ammunition capacity. They excel at suppressing enemies, securing positions, and handling multiple targets simultaneously. However, it’s important to note that not all LMGs are created equal; some possess advantages in terms of damage output, fire rate, accuracy, range coverage, recoil control, and mobility. We have made a detailed list that compares all the LMGs in Call of Duty Mobile Season 7.

You will learn which are the most effective and which ones you should avoid this season. Let’s get started with the details.

COD Mobile LMG Tier List - Best LMGs in Season 7

To rank the LMG on their performance, we will use a five-tier system, from S to D. We will also briefly explain why each gun belongs to its respective tier.

  • S-Tier: The best of the best. These LMGs are lethal with or without attachments and perks. If you equip them, you will dominate the battlefield.
  • A-Tier: Solid weapons with the potential to turn the tide of a fight. They can compete with S-tier weapons if you customize them.
  • B-tier: Decent weapons that can perform well with the right attachments. They are not as powerful as A-tier weapons, but they are still usable.
  • C-Tier: Mediocre weapons that are only good for emergencies. They lack the quality and performance of the higher-tier weapons.
  • D-Tier: The worst of the worst. These weapons are frustrating and ineffective. Stay away from them if you value your life.
Holger 26 LMG Overview and Base Stats
Holger 26 LMG Overview and Base Stats. (Picture: Activision)

A Tier Light Machine Guns

  • Holger 26
  • S36

The Holger 26 is a lightweight LMG that can be customized into different forms, like an assault rifle or submachine gun. Its fire rate and decent accuracy make it perfect for medium-range combat. Its magazine can hold up to 100 bullets. It even comes with an attachment called the Integral Suppressor Barrel that reduces the weapon's sound and muzzle flash.

On the other hand, the S36 is an LMG that fires rapidly, dealing great damage with its bullet spray. It boasts a magazine size of 75 rounds. It can be equipped with a Bipod attachment to enhance stability in prone or crouched positions. While it excels in close to medium-range encounters, its accuracy and mobility suffer at longer distances.

S36 LMG Overview and Base Stats
S36 LMG Overview and Base Stats. (Picture: Activision)

B Tier Light Machine Guns

  • RPD
  • Chopper
  • Dingo
  • M4LMG
Chopper LMG Overview and Base Stats
Chopper LMG Overview and Base Stats. (Picture: Activision)

RPD is known for being reliable and well-balanced. It offers good damage, accuracy, and range capabilities. Its drum magazine can hold up to 100 rounds, moderate fire rate and manageable recoil proves itself useful in various situations. Whether it’s long-range engagements or close-quarters combat, the RPD can handle it. Additionally, it features an attachment called the Heavy Handle that enhances ADS speed and movement speed while aiming.

The Chopper is an LMG with rapid-fire capabilities and minimal recoil. It boasts a belt-fed magazine that can hold up to 100 rounds, ensuring continuous fire without the need for reloads. Its exceptional close-range combat performance stems from its ability to eliminate enemies with its high DPS swiftly. However, it’s worth noting that the Chopper’s accuracy and range are somewhat limited, making it less effective in long-distance engagements.

Dingo LMG Overview and Base Stats.
Dingo LMG Overview and Base Stats. (Picture: Activision)

Offering accuracy and stability, the Dingo is an LMG that strikes a balance between damage output and fire rate. Equipped with a box magazine holding up to 80 rounds, it performs consistently with minimal recoil and sway. The Dingo shines in medium to long-range combat scenarios, precisely hitting targets consistently. It also features an attachment known as the Rapid Fire Barrel, which enhances fire rate and bullet velocity.

Among all LMGs, the M4LMG stands out for its power and unwavering consistency. Boasting the highest damage output in its category, this LMG accommodates up to 75 rounds within its magazine while maintaining fire rate and accuracy levels. Its true potential lies in medium to long-range engagements where it can deliver devastating blows with every shot fired. However, maneuvering and control can be more challenging when wielding this weapon due to its low mobility and higher recoil compared to other options.

M4LMG Overview and Base Stats
M4LMG Overview and Base Stats. (Picture: Activision)

C Tier Light Machine Guns

  • Hades
  • UL736

The Hades is an adaptable LMG with the Crossbar Operator Mod feature. This unique feature allows it to fire accurately from the hip while minimizing movement penalties. It has a moderate level of damage and fire rate, and its magazine can hold up to 65 rounds. The Hades excels in close to medium-range combat thanks to its hip fire accuracy and maneuverability.

Hades LMG Overview and Base Stats
Hades LMG Overview and Base Stats. (Picture: Activision)

On the other hand, the UL736 is a stable LMG with excellent accuracy and range. It boasts a magazine capacity of 75 rounds and has a low fire rate and recoil. This makes it ideal for long-range combat as it can effectively snipe enemies with its high bullet velocity and stability. Additionally, it offers the Long Shot Barrel attachment that enhances damage at longer distances.

UL736 LMG Overview and Base Stats
UL736 LMG Overview and Base Stats. (Picture: Activision)

D Tier Light Machine Guns

  • PKM

Lastly, we have the PKM, a durable LMG that strikes a balance between damage, fire rate, and accuracy. Its magazine can hold up to 100 rounds while maintaining low recoil and sway. The PKM proves versatile in any combat scenario due to its performance both in short and long-range engagements. Furthermore, it features the Heavy Stock attachment, which reduces flinching when taking damage.

PKM LMG Overview and Base Stats
PKM LMG Overview and Base Stats. (Picture: Activision)