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COD Mobile Shotgun Tier List - Best Season 7 Shotguns

Call of Duty Mobile has plenty of shotguns to choose from. Here's our shotgun tier list, ranking all weapons from best to worst.
COD Mobile Shotgun Tier List - Best Season 7 Shotguns

When it comes to close-range combats, Shotguns are one of the most effective weapons in Call of Duty: Mobile. These guns can deal massive damage in short-range combat, but they also have some drawbacks, such as low fire rate, limited ammo, and poor long-range accuracy. Therefore, choosing the right shotgun for your play style and the map is crucial to dominating the battlefield.

However, with so many shotguns to choose from, it's a tedious task for the players to pick the most supreme ones. But worry not, as we will rank the best shotguns to use in COD Mobile Season 7 (2023) based on the current meta and the latest balance changes.

COD Mobile Shotguns Tier List - Best Shotguns in Season 7

To rank the shotguns based on their performance, we will use a five-tier system, from S to D. We will also briefly explain why each shotgun belongs to its respective tier.

  • S-Tier: The best of the best. These shotguns are lethal with or without attachments and perks. If you equip them, you will dominate the battlefield.
  • A-Tier: Solid weapons with the potential to turn the tide of a fight. They can compete with S-tier weapons if you customize them.
  • B-tier: Decent weapons that can perform well with the right attachments. They are not as powerful as A-tier weapons, but they are still usable.
  • C-Tier: Mediocre weapons that are only good for emergencies. They lack the quality and performance of the higher-tier weapons.
  • D-Tier: The worst of the worst. These weapons are frustrating and ineffective. Stay away from them if you value your life.

S-Tier Shotguns

These are strong meta shotguns boasting insane damage.
These are strong meta shotguns boasting insane damage. (Picture: Activision)
  • R9-0: With its ability to fire two quick shots before reloading, the R9-0 shotgun dominates in close-range encounters. It boasts a large magazine size, minimal recoil, and powerful damage, allowing it to sweep through rooms and eliminate enemies with ease.
  • KRM-262: The KRM 262 is a pump-action shotgun that can deliver a one-shot kill at close range. It has a good fire rate, accuracy, and range, making it a versatile weapon for different situations.
  • HS0405: The HS0405 is a pump-action shotgun that can deal massive damage at close range, often killing enemies with one shot to the upper body. It has a high magazine capacity, a fast reload time, and good hip-fire accuracy.
  • BY15: The BY15 is a pump-action shotgun that can one-shot enemies at close range with its high damage and accuracy. It also has a longer range than most shotguns, but it suffers from low mobility and control. 

A-Tier Shotguns

These shotguns can compete with S-tier weapons once paired with the right attachments.
These shotguns can compete with S-tier weapons once paired with the right attachments. (Picture: Activision)

These are good shotguns that can compete with S-tier weapons once paired with the right attachments or a loadout that best matches the player’s playstyle. They have some strengths and weaknesses but are still viable options for most situations.

  • HS2126: The HS2126 is a burst-fire shotgun that can fire four rounds in quick succession before reloading. It has the highest fire rate among all shotguns, but it also has the lowest damage and range.
  • PP19 Bizon: The PP19 Bizon is an SMG that can be converted into a shotgun with an attachment called Dragon’s Breath Rounds. This attachment gives the PP19 Bizon increased damage and range, as well as a burning effect that deals additional damage over time to enemies. However, it also reduces the fire rate and magazine capacity of the PP19 Bizon, making it less suitable for sustained firefights. The PP19 Bizon is best used by players who like to surprise enemies with unexpected shots.

B-Tier Shotguns

The B-tier shotgun delivers a lot of damage but also have some serious drawbacks
The B-tier shotgun delivers a lot of damage but also has some serious drawbacks. (Picture: Activision)

These are average shotguns that can be deadly weapons with the right attachments and require some forethought in terms of loadout to be effective. They have some potential, but they also have some drawbacks that limit their performance.

  • Echo: The Echo is a semi-automatic shotgun that delivers moderate damage and range, as well as having a large magazine capacity and a quick reload time. It also features a unique ability called Echo Blast, which enables it to shoot two rounds simultaneously with one trigger pull.

C-Tier Shotguns

Weapons in this tier are only effective in specific situations or for particular playstyles
Weapons in this tier are only effective in specific situations or for particular playstyles. (Picture: Activision)

These shotguns are not very powerful and need the ideal loadout to justify their use. They have a few advantages, but they also suffer from many drawbacks that overshadow their merits.

  • JAK-12: With a high fire rate and magazine capacity, the JAK-12 is an automatic shotgun that excels at hip fire accuracy and mobility. It also boasts a distinctive feature called Frag-12 Explosive Rounds, which enhances the JAK-12’s damage and range, as well as creating an explosive impact that can harm enemies in the vicinity.

D-Tier Shotguns

These are the worst shotguns in the game, and they should be avoided at all costs.

  • None: All the shotguns in COD Mobile Season 6 (2023) have some value or specialty, so none of them belong to the D-tier category. However, this does not imply that they are all on the same level of quality or performance, as some are obviously superior to others.

And that concludes our Shotgun tier list in Call of Duty: Mobile. Do you agree with these rankings? Let us know by sharing your thoughts with us on X (Twitter).